Trading the Same Instrument on the Same Day
To ensure a smooth and compliant trading experience for our customers, we have established guidelines regarding trading the same instrument among multiple TTTDirect accounts on the same day. Please carefully review the following guidelines and example scenarios to understand the policy and its implications.
Prohibition of Same Instrument Trading: It is strictly prohibited to trade the same instrument across multiple TTTDirect accounts on the same day. The restriction applies to both E-Mini and Micro E-Mini instruments. Each instrument can only be traded by a single TTTDirect account during a trading day. All TTTDirect Accounts involved will be deactivated upon violation of this rule.
Deactivated Account Considerations: If you have multiple TTTDirect accounts and one becomes deactivated, please note that there is a waiting period of 2 hours before trading the same instrument that was previously traded on the deactivated account. This waiting period ensures proper tracking and prevents any potential misuse.
Example Scenario:
Let's consider the following scenario to illustrate the guidelines:
You have two (2) TTTDirect accounts: TTTDA #1 and TTTDA #2.
When you trade E-Mini NASDAQ (NQ) using TTTDA #1, it's important to trade a different instrument on TTTDA #2 on the same day.
For example, if you trade NASDAQ (NQ) on TTTDA #1, you should choose a different instrument like ES/MES, YM/MYM, CL/MCL, etc., to trade on TTTDA #2. This helps ensure compliance and the smooth operation of both accounts.
Diversifying the instruments traded across your accounts will allow you to fully utilize both accounts without risking deactivation due to policy violations.
It’s important to follow these guidelines to maintain fairness, transparency, and optimal trading conditions for all our customers.